Trusted by 100+ companies

We Accept FSA / Health Spending Accounts!
Get 0% Interest Financing!
How CareCredit Works
CareCredit assists with covering out-of-pocket healthcare expenses for you and your family! Once approved, you can use it repeatedly to help manage health & wellness costs that are not covered by insurance such as a power scooters, lift chairs, oxygen concentrators and MUCH MORE!
If approved, you pay NO interest as long as your borrowed amount is paid in full within your chosen 6 or 12 month period! Minimum purchase amount must be $200 or more.

Visit Our Locations
Heights Store
(18th & Ella Blvd)
1714 W. 18th Street
Houston, TX 77008
Monday-Friday (9am to 6pm)
Saturday (10am to 5pm)
Cypress Store
(290 & Telge Rd)
22224 Northwest Fwy Suite C
Cypress, TX 77429
Monday-Friday (9am to 6pm)
Saturday (10am to 5pm)
Houston's #1 Medical Supply Store!
Oxygen Tanks
Home Oxygen Concentrators
Portable Oxygen Concentrators
Oxygen Cannulas & Supplies
Standard Walkers
Standard Rollators
Stand Upright Walkers
Lightweight Rollators
Shower Chairs
Bedside Commodes
Toilet Risers
Toilet Safety Rails
CPAP Machines
CPAP Masks
CPAP Cleaners
CPAP Accessories
Power Mobility Scooters
Power Mobility Wheelchairs
Light Mobility Scooters
Light Mobility Wheelchairs​
Gauze & Bandage Rolls
Foam Dressings
Calcium Alginate
Wound Cleansers
Manual Wheelchairs
Lightweight Wheelchairs
Bariatric Wheelchairs
Transport Wheelchairs
Basic Lift Chairs
Ultra Comfort Lift Chairs
Twilight Lift Chairs
Massage Lift Chairs
Adult Briefs
Adult Pull-ups
Ointments & Creams
Personal Cleansing Wipes